Short-term missions Peru | Missions Trip Peru Adams Family #Peru #Missions

Short-term missions Peru | Missions Trip Peru Adams Family #Peru #Missions

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Publish Date:
26 June, 2024
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Short-term missions Peru | Missions Trip Peru Adams Family #Peru #Missions
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Hi, we're the Adams family and have felt God call us to do this short term missions trip. We will experience the beauty and culture of Peru on an unforgettable short-term missions trip! We ask you to partner with us as we go connect with local churches and organizations to share the love of Christ through outreach, service projects, and building relationships.

You can give to the Adams Family Here:

Our journey will take us from the vibrant capital city of Lima to the ancient Incan ruins of Machu Picchu. Along the way, we'll immerse ourselves in Peruvian culture, trying local cuisine, learning Spanish phrases, and witnessing the breathtaking natural landscapes.

But more importantly, we'll have opportunities to serve the people of Peru through children's ministry, encouragement, and evangelism. Our prayer is for God to us our talents to make an eternal impact!

You can partner with the Adams Family Here:

God has given us just a heart to serve and willingness to step out of our comfort zone.

You can join us in with us by giving. We will be in Peru for two weeks! Your partnership in giving will help us cover the modest trip cost of international airfare, accommodations, meals, transportation, training, and more.

You can give to the Adams Family Here:

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