Wordpress Robots.txt Best Practices - How to Optimize WordPress Robots.txt [Still true in 2023!]

Wordpress Robots.txt Best Practices - How to Optimize WordPress Robots.txt [Still true in 2023!]

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Improve your site management with these WordPress Robots.txt best practices. The robots txt file, if one exists on your site, tells bots what they are and are not allowed to access. These bots include search engine crawlers, SEO software and even malicious software.

Discover how to create and optimize the WordPress robots.txt file in this tutorial. This tutorial is the robots.txt file explained for beginners.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

Sitemap: http://www.example.com/site_map.xml

Grab your free 17-Point WordPress Launch Checklist PDF: https://wplearninglab.com/get/wordpress-redirects.php?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=wp_jumpstart&utm_id=17_point_wp_launch_checklist&utm_term=CNpA5jP-Wy8&utm_content=video_description

Robots.txt Google Search Console link: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062598?hl=en

Black Hole for Bad Bots tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KAzGDHq-1M&list=PLlgSvQqMfii7YSIzIPnLng0zDkGbvQTwG

Always backup your site just in case (or use a staging site), here's how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1aYbayFpfU&list=PLlgSvQqMfii4l2cVV1TZ7j_kHs_2qmf4b

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Here are 20+ reasons why I host all my sites with SiteGround: https://wplearninglab.com/siteground-wordpress-hosting-review/

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Here's the link for Elementor Pro (aff): https://wplearninglab.com/recommends/elementor

I hope this information helps you! If you have any questions leave a comment below or ping me @WPLearningLab on Twitter.

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