Practical On Page SEO Tips

Practical On Page SEO Tips

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Practical On Page SEO Tips
In today's vidos what I would like to share with you is a very simple to understand practical on-page optimization that you can start deploying inside of your local business websites or any website. To stop fighting yourself on other pages this video will outline a common issue that I see almost 50% of the time on websites that I work on or I help with.

And this primary issue that I'll be addressing in this video is doubling up or stacking of keywords primarily when talking about Services utilizing different variations on multiple pages that have nothing to do with one another this particular optimization needs to stop and that's exactly what I'll address in today's practical on page SEO tips video.

If you have questions related to on Page search engine optimization or anything local search engine optimization related please never hesitate to go ahead and ask in the section below I'm always happy to help local business owners and other SEO's like you.

Chris Palmer
Broad St
Tamaqua Pa 18252
txt (570) 810-1080